Job opening for Senior 3D Animator at League of Geeks to create and oversee animation for…
Category: Full time
Job opening for Python Developer
Job opening for Python Developer to develop, plan, and maintain the company’s art reviewing and approving…
Full-time job openings at Bangalore
Full-time job openings at Bangalore for 2D/3D Game Artist, Background Artist, Junior Artist, Associate Producer.
3D Artist / Animator required at Virtual Heroes
3D Artist / Animator required at Virtual Heroes with BS in Game Art and Modeling along…
Job opening for Lead VFX Artist
Job opening for Lead VFX Artist at Bit Fry Game Studios, Inc. to work with the…
Game Designer is required at InnoGames
Game Designer is required at InnoGames to concept, design, iterate and evaluate game features and game…
Crytek Studios is hiring Game Designers
Crytek Studios is hiring Artists to work with other departments to ensure all required resources are…
Job opening for 3D Generalists
For Producing high-quality 3D stylized humanoid and non-humanoid characters and environment assets, including modeling and look…
Job opening Compositing & Lighting Artist
Job opening for Compositing & Lighting Artists to light and composite CG shots and deliver good…