Environment Concept Artist required at ZeniMax Media Inc. with a minimum of 2 years of industry…
Category: VFX
Associate Art Director required at That’s No Moon
Associate Art Director required at That's No Moon Entertainment with 5+ years of professional games or…
Job opening for Senior VFX Modeler at Laika
Job opening for Senior VFX Modeler at Laika with 10+ years of feature film or relevant industry experience (CG and/or…
Cryptorecruit is hiring for VFX Artist – Blockchain Game
Cryptorecruit is hiring VFX Artist - Blockchain Game with 3+ years minimum hands-on experience in the…
Remote VFX Artist required at Omeda Studios
Remote VFX Artist required at Omeda Studios. Mid to senior-level professional VFX experience in the game…
Multiple job openings at Visual Birds Studio
Multiple job openings at Visual Birds Studio for the positions of VFX Rotomation Artist, Lighting Artist,…
Coffee & TV is looking for Junior VFX Producer
Coffee & TV, London is looking for a Junior VFX Producer. Proficient user of production management…
Associate VFX Artist required at High Moon Studios
Associate VFX Artist required at High Moon Studios with Production experience using particle systems and other…
Zynga is looking for VFX and Animation Artist
Zynga is looking for VFX and Animation Artist with 2+ years of experience in shipping multiple…