Job opening for Senior VFX Artist. Need to employ both 2D and 3D workflows to implement…
Category: VFX
VFX Artist required at CoSA VFX Studio
VFX Artist required at CoSA VFX Studio in Los Angeles, USA to fulfill the company needs…
Job opening for Pipeline TD at Milk VFX
We are seeking to recruit a passionate pipeline developer with a strong interest in Visual Effects.
Jobs of 3D Animators & Compositing Artists
Job openings for full-time 3D Animators. Looking for senior 3D animators with experience.
Required freelance VFX Artist in Chance6 Studios
Required freelance VFX Artist in Chance6 Studios for creation of handcrafted visual effects.
After Effects Compositor is required
After Effects Compositor is required. Looking for candidate who is legally eligible to work in Canada.
Job opening for Senior VFX Artist
Job opening for Senior VFX Artist who can set a high bar for quality, consistency, and…
Hiring for Digital Domain Pipeline team
Hiring for Digital Domain Pipeline team. Looking for candidates with Pipeline profiles with VFX experience.
Animation and VFX job openings at HMX Media
Hiring for jobs in 'HMX Media'. Looking for experienced enthusiastic candidates for the jobs. Job location…