ReDefine Studio is hiring CG and VFX artists

ReDefine is hiring CG and VFX artists - Animation, Modeling & Texturing, Compositing, Layout, Rigging, Lighting,…

Job opening for Lead VFX Artist

Job opening for Lead VFX Artist at Bit Fry Game Studios, Inc. to work with the…

Job opening for VFX Producer

Job opening for VFX Producer. Alt.VFX is looking for a talented candidate to join as a…

Job opening for Visual Effects Artist

Job opening for Visual Effects Artist to create simulations and systems that both mimic real-life phenomena.

Python Developer is required at UPP Studio

Python Developer is required at UPP Studio to collaborate with a VFX Team to develop pipeline…

Job Openings for 3D Generalist & Compositor

Job Openings for 3D Generalist & Compositor. REAL by FAKE studio is hiring candidates on contract…

3D Generalist, Compositing, Motion Graphics jobs

3D Generalist & Motion Graphics Animator required at Gamma Studios in New Mumbai with 2 to…

Job of Performance Animators at Weta

Job Opening for MOCAP/Performance Animators for Repairing contacts and interaction between characters/props/environment/terrain.

Aespaes Lab is hiring to work with Blender

Aespaes Lab is hiring to work with Blender. Hiring for the jobs of 3D modeling and…