Compositor required at Rising Sun Pictures

Compositor required at Rising Sun Pictures to create Nuke scrips that integrate efficiently into the compositing…

Full-time job for Post-production Coordinator

Full-time job for Post-production Coordinator who maintains a working knowledge of Post Production/understanding of technical terms.

Sony Pictures Imageworks jobs: Roto & Paint

Full-time job opening at Sony Pictures Imageworks for Roto & Paint Artist with 3+ years experience…

2D Pipeline TD required at Scanline VFX studio

2D Pipeline TD required at Scanline VFX studio to develop and maintain efficient and creative workflows…

Job openings at Symbiosys Entertainment

Job openings at Symbiosys Entertainment for the positions of 3D Animator, 3D Lighting Artist, 3D Composition…

Remote job openings at Oscar FX studio

Remote job openings at Oscar FX studio for the positions of Roto Senior Level Artists &…

Full-time job openings at Occult studiosĀ 

Full-time job openings at Occult studios for the positions of CG Generalist, Modeling & Texturing, Compositor Artists.

Full-time job openings at Copernicus Studios

Full-time job openings at Copernicus Studios for the positions of Background Design and Layout Artist, Digital…

Compositor required at The Third Floor Studio

Job opening at The Third Floor Visualization for After Effects Compositor to compositing complex sequences in…