Gameplay Animator required Rockstar Games to work closely with animators and programmers to devise, implement, and…
Category: USA
Job opening for Motion Graphics Artist
Full-time job opening for Motion Graphics Artist to create compelling and appealing animations with After Effects.
CG Supervisor required at Blur Studio
CG Supervisor required to collaborate with clients to receive the brief, discuss Blur's capabilities, and determine…
Job opening for Series 2D Compositor
Job opening for Series 2D Compositor who understands and follows production guidelines, solves design for visual…
Full-time job opening for 3D Animation
Full-time job opening for 3D Animation Producer who is able to produce graphics across a variety…
Job opening for Motion Designer Intern
Job opening for Motion Designer Intern who is passionate, creative, and motivated, sharing our love of…
Full-time job opening for Lighting Artist
Full-time job opening for Lighting Artist to exhibit artistic and technical skills to work on many…
Full-time job openings at Animasia Studio
Full-time job openings at Animasia Studio for the positions of Character Designer, 2D Animator, Background Artist,…
Art Director required at Timberline Studio
Art Director required at Timberline Studio to define and communicate the visual design, style, and artistic…