Untold Studios looking for VFX Artist | Compositor

Untold Studios looking for VFX Artist  Compositor

Studio: Untold Studios

Job Opening: VFX Artist | Compositor

Location: London, England, UK

Type: Full-Time

Qualifications & Skills:

  • You enjoy Integrating 2D, 3D, and live-action elements to a high standard.
  • You thrive when receiving creative briefs, attending dailies, and interpreting and addressing constructive feedback.
  • You regularly collaborate with Production and Leads regarding schedules and deadlines.
  • You apply your knowledge of CG techniques and artistic principles to the creation of your own or pre-existing setups.
  • You are able to take briefs and direction from Lead Artists and VFX Supervisors to execute assigned shots
  • You take ownership of your workload from the start of a project through to the deadline.
  • You can communicate your thoughts and ideas clearly in a professional and positive manner.