Triggerfish Studio hiring Post Production Supervisor

Triggerfish Studio hiring Post Production Supervisor

Studio: Triggerfish

Job Opening: Post Production Supervisor

Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Type: Full-Time


  • Responsible for all aspects of the post-production process reporting to Series Producers
  • Oversee PostProduction Coordinator
  • Track and oversee  Post Production  budget and Schedule in tandem with Series Producers
  • Ensure that the scheduling and budgetary concerns of the post process are followed and alert the Series Producers of any problems that may cause the production to miss delivery or fall
  • Facilitate the delivery of each film from animation studios to the  Post Production  studio
  • Facilitate the delivery of final logo/titles to PostProduction Studio
  • Manage reviews for Directors, Triggerfish, and the network in coordination with  Post Production Studio
  • Working with Series Producers, set up suitable remote review solutions for overseas Directors for grade and the final mix as needed
  • Ensure feedback is tracked and implemented and assess where feedback may exceed the limits of budget and schedule, alerting the Series Producers of pushbacks needed
  • Flag potential QC issues

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