The Mill is looking for experienced Lighting Artist

The Mill is looking for experienced Lighting Artist

Studio: The Mill

Job Opening: Lighting Artist

Location: Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Type: Full-Time

Qualifications & Skills:

  • Eye for detail/photo-realism and precision with strong problem-solving skills.
  • Strong artistic ability with good understanding of lighting and shading to grasp the detail and composition of shot.
  • Good know-how of VFX comp and CG pipeline/workflow.
  • Excellent in written and verbal communication and should be able to communicate across departments.

Any of the following is a bonus:

  • Knowing lighting and Lookdev in Houdini Arnold Mantra.
  • Having Texturing capabilities in Substance/Mari .
  • Strong understanding of lighting aspects with basic photography background.
  • Experience working on international Feature/Commercials form of VFX projects.
  • Experience working closely with Comp team/Sup’s on look-dev, shading and generating master shots
