Roto Artists are required at HANU Studios

Roto Artists are required at HANU Studios with 2+ years of experience in International projects. Total…

Bot VFX Studio has multiple open positions

Bot VFX Studio has multiple open positions like CG Generalist, Comp Artist, FX Artist, Lighting Artist,…

Twilight Post hiring Roto Artist & Paint Artist

Twilight Post Studio is hiring Roto Artist & Paint Artist with experience of minimum 1 year…

Walk-In-Interview for VFX artists at Ganraj VFX Studio

Walk-In-Interview for VFX artists at Ganraj VFX Studio for the positions of VFX Roto Artists, VFX…

Rotomaker hiring for Hollywood digital VFX projects

Rotomaker hiring for Hollywood digital VFX projects for the positions of Roto Artist, Paint Artist, and…

Job for Roto Artists & Paint Artists at VFX PICK

Job opening for Roto Artists & Paint Artists at VFX PICK Animation studio for the Mid…

Full-time job for VFX Artists at E Plus Technologies

Full-time job for VFX Artists at E Plus Technologies for the positions of Rotoscope Artist, Paint…

Huge opening in 2D & 3D Departments at Resonance

Huge opening in 2D & 3D Departments at Resonance for Compositors, Paint Artists, Matchmove Artists, Texturing…

Walk-In-Drive at Green Gold Animation Studio

Walk-In-Drive at Green Gold Animation Studio for the positions of VFX Paint Artists, VFX Compositors, Roto…