Horseman FX is hiring for supervisor roles

Horseman FX is hiring for supervisor positions of Roto Supervisor, Paint & Prep Supervisor, and Matchmove…

Basilicfly Studio is hiring for multiple VFX domain jobs

Basilicfly Studio is hiring for multiple VFX domains like Roto, Paint, Compositing, Production, and Matchmove &…

Trifilms Studio is hiring Rotoscopy Artist & Paint Artist

Trifilms Studio is hiring Rotoscopy Artist & Paint Artist with Minimum 1-year experience. Freshers can also…

Multiple job openings at Twilight Post Studio

Multiple job openings at Twilight Post Studio for the positions of Paint-Prep Artists, Rotoscope Artists, Camera…

Hiring is open at HorsemanFX Join now

Hiring is open at HorsemanFX Join now. Positions open for Sr Paint Artist, Matchmove & Tracking…

Identical Brains studios multiple job hiring

Identical Brains studios multiple job hiring for the positions of Digital Touch-up Artist, Compositor, Rotoscopy, &…

Half Mind studio is hring for the VFX job opening

Half Mind studio is hring for the VFX job openings for the positions of VFX Roto…

Multiple job openings at DLog Studios

Multiple job openings at DLog Studios Chennai location for the departments of Roto, Paint, Rotomation, and…

Multiple job openings at Digikore Studios

Multiple job openings at Digikore Studios for the positions of Matchmove, Senior Paint Artist, RotoAnim, and…