Studio: Pracy Studios
Job Opening: Junior Technical Designer
Location: Remote
Type: Full-Time
- As the Junior Technical Designer, you will be responsible for implementing game features using the Unity engine.
- You will work directly with the Lead Designer and Lead Programmer, acting as a bridge between concept and code to create the best player experience.
Qualifications & Skills:
- General Unity Workflow.
- Basic Git workflow: Commits, Pushing, Pulling, Branching, and Pull Requests.
- Basic C# including Unity’s MonoBehaviour and components.
- Unity 2D Physics and usage of Triggers, Layers, and Colliders.
- Basics of Unity’s animation system: AnimationClips and AnimationController.
- Excellent time management and self-motivation.
- Ability to communicate in a collaborative environment, receiving and giving constructive critique within the team.
- Attention to detail. You are someone who strives to create your best work.
- A positive attitude and the enjoyment of working closely with a small team.
Bonus Skills:
- Jira
- OdinInspector
- Building custom Unity editors/tools
- Cinemachine
- UGUI – Unity’s UI system
- Unity’s InputSystem
- Scriptable Render Pipeline & Camera Stacking
- Unity Coroutines
- Shader Graph
- Unity Addressable
- Unity Timeline
Apply for the Job Online: To apply, email with your resume and any relevant links to past work or projects.