Game Designer is required at InnoGames

Game Designer is required at InnoGames to concept, design, iterate and evaluate game features and game…

Job opening for Lead Developer Unity

Job opening for Lead Developer Unity at Quantic Dream studio as part of its development and…

Lead Producer is required at Lunarch Studios

Lead Producer is required at Lanarch Studios with minimum 5 years in the industry, as producer…

Crytek Studios is hiring Game Designers

Crytek Studios is hiring Artists to work with other departments to ensure all required resources are…

Job opening for 3D Generalists

For Producing high-quality 3D stylized humanoid and non-humanoid characters and environment assets, including modeling and look…

Job opening Compositing & Lighting Artist

Job opening for Compositing & Lighting Artists to light and composite CG shots and deliver good…

Junior Animator required at Anima Vitae Studio

Junior Animator required at Anima Vitae Studio to help the Animation Team achieve the required standards…

Job opening for Senior Lighting Artist

Job opening for Senior Lighting Artist to provide accurate tasks at estimeated time and meet production…

Job opening for 3D FX Artist

Job opening for 3D FX Artist. Looking for someone who can help to create inventive and…