Senior Animator required at A44 Games studio

Senior Animator required at A44 Games studio to be one of the driving forces that will…

Full-time job opening for Animator at 4A Games

Full-time job opening for Animator at 4A Games for creating animations for all characters, objects, environments,…

Job for Senior Technical Lighting Artist

Need Artist to help specify, create and improve static and dynamic lighting workflows using our proprietary…

Job opening for Senior VFX Artist

Job opening for Senior VFX Artist to work with the design team to add punch and…

Job opening for Previs Artist / Camera Layout

Job opening for Previs Artist / Camera Layout to work closely with the previs supervisor to…

Senior 3D Artist required at Jam City Studio

Senior 3D Artist required at Jam City Studio to work closely with the Art Director and…

Remote job opening for Lead VFX Artist

Remote job opening for Lead VFX Artist to collaborate with Art Director to ensure overall style…

Full-time job opening for 2D/3D Animator

Full-time job opening for 2D/3D Animator for reading scripts and storylines to understand animation requirements.

Gameplay Animator required Rockstar Games

Gameplay Animator required Rockstar Games to work closely with animators and programmers to devise, implement, and…