Job opening for Compositing & Lighting Artists to light and composite CG shots and deliver good…
Category: Lighting
Job opening for Senior Lighting Artist
Job opening for Senior Lighting Artist to provide accurate tasks at estimeated time and meet production…
3D Generalist, Compositing, Motion Graphics jobs
3D Generalist & Motion Graphics Animator required at Gamma Studios in New Mumbai with 2 to…
Aespaes Lab is hiring to work with Blender
Aespaes Lab is hiring to work with Blender. Hiring for the jobs of 3D modeling and…
Animation and VFX job openings at HMX Media
Hiring for jobs in 'HMX Media'. Looking for experienced enthusiastic candidates for the jobs. Job location…
Job openings in Animation studio
Job openings in Bengaluru based Animation studio: Lighting and Compositing Supervisor, Production Assistant (Fresher can apply),…
Hiring freshers in Lighting and Compositing
Maya Digital Studio (Cosmos Maya) is hiring freshers in Lighting and Compositing. Industry standard technical training…
Walk in interview for Animation jobs
Golden Robot studio has schedule walk in interview for Animation jobs: Animation, CG Compositing, FX, Lighting…
Job recruitment drive: The Mill Mumbai Roadshow
Latest job recruitment drive: Compositing Supervisor, Lead Compositor, CG Supervisor, DMP Supervisor, Sr Artist in Comp,…