Full-time job opening for Recruiter at Firaxis Games to manage the full life cycle recruiting experience…
Category: HR / Talent Acquisition
Job opening for HR Recruiter at Virtual Box Studio
Job opening for HR Recruiter at Virtual Box Studio with minimum one-year work experience in the…
Full-time job opening for HR Manager
Full-time job opening for HR Manager with Comfort-ability with ambiguity–thriving in an environment with limited structure…
BFX CGI is hiring
BFX CGI job openings for 3D and Production, remote and in-house. HR Manager, Modeling and Texturing…
Job opening for Senior Recruitment Consultant
Job for Senior Recruitment Consultant who is passionate about the digital industry, specifically digital creative skills.
HR Executive required at Deluxe Studio
HR Executive required at Deluxe Studio with 3 to 7 years of experience and Performance Management,…
Full-time job locations at philm CGI Studio
Full-time job locations at PhilmCGI Studio for the psots of 2D SFX Artist, AfterEffects Compositing Artist,…
HR Specialist required at 11 Bit Studios
HR Specialist required at 11 Bit Studios, Europe for the comprehensive implementation of recruitment processes.
Full-time job openings at PhantomFX studio
Full-time job openings at PhantomFX studio, Chennai, India for the positions of HR Executive, Roto Supervisor,…