Full-time jobs at Gill Media Studio

Full-time jobs at Gill Media Studio, Chandigarh, India. Job posts are CFX and FX artists and…

Freelance Lead FX Artist required at Axis Studios

Freelance Lead FX Artist required for managing the project’s FX team and it’s pipeline throughout the…

CG Supervisor required at Blur Studio

CG Supervisor required to collaborate with clients to receive the brief, discuss Blur's capabilities, and determine…

Full-time job opening for Lighting Artist

Full-time job opening for Lighting Artist to exhibit artistic and technical skills to work on many…

Job openings at Yash Raj VFX Studios

Job openings at Yash Raj VFX Studios. We are currently hiring for our yFX team. We…

Freelance job for Lighting & Compositing Artist

Freelance job for Lighting & Compositing Artist to work effectively within a team and light and…

Senior VFX Artist required at Studio Gobo

Senior VFX Artist required at Studio Gobo that makes a significant and direct contribution to the…

Jobs at KARCO Animation Studios

Jobs openings at KARCO Animation Studios, Mumbai, India. Hiring for the posts Rigging TD, Animation TD,…

Contract based job opening for CG Generalist

Contract based job opening for CG Generalist who has proven ability in one or more CG…