Game Designer required at Outplay Entertainment

job opening of game designer outplay studio

Job Opening: Game Designer

Studio: Outplay Entertainment

Location: Dundee, Scotland, UK, Europe


  • We are currently hiring a Game Designer with a strong understanding of what makes for good casual games, particularly casual puzzle games.
  • If you’re an experienced game designer with good instincts for what is and isn’t fun, a keen insight on what does and doesn’t work in puzzle games, and are interested in learning the ropes of game design and content creation, we’d love to hear from you.

Job Responsibilities:

  • We are looking for passionate candidates who can contribute to and direct the vision for our games.
  • You should have experience playing and designing a wide range of mobile games and be able to speak to what popular titles in the puzzle genre do well.
  • As a Game Designer at Outplay, you’ll also be expected to bring innovation and creativity to the project you are working on.
  • And be aware of the impact design can have on the key performance indicators (KPI’s) of the product including our ability to sell the product, retain players, and monetize players who are engaged with our titles.

Apply: Upload your resume

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