Full-time job opening for Senior Motion Designer

Full-time job opening for Senior Motion Designer with a base of strong graphic design principles -…

Full-time job openings at Framestore Studios

Full-time job openings at Framestore Studios for the positions of Creature FX TD, Trackers, and Training…

Digital Matte Painter required at DNEG Studios

Digital Matte Painter required at DNEG Studios to create photo-realistic matte paintings that are to be…

Full-time job opening for 3D Artist at NVIZ Studios

Full-time job opening for 3D Artist at NVIZ Studios for creating all required hard surface and…

Senior Nuke Artist required at Windmill Lane studio

Senior Nuke Artist required at Windmill Lane studio to perform all tasks associated with the compositing…

Full-time job openings at Technicolor studio

Full-time job openings at Technicolor studio for the job positions of 2D Generalists - Roto &…

YOOZO Games: Senior Game Designer

Sr. Game Designer required ta YOOZO Games, Pune, India for Designing & Balancing Game Economies Balancing…

Roto and Paint jobs at Rhinestonevfx Studio

Job opening for VFX Artists at Rhinestonevfx Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad, India for the positions of VFX…

Full-time job opening for Motion Graphics Artist

Full-time job opening for Motion Graphics Artist to create smooth & easy animation videos for our…