Job opening at The Third Floor Studio

Job opening at The Third Floor Visualization, Los Angeles for the position PF Tracker / Matchmoving…

Full-time job openings at Copernicus Studios

Full-time job openings at Copernicus Studios for the positions of Background Design and Layout Artist, Digital…

Job for Virtual Production Coordinator

Full-time job opening Virtual Production Operations Coordinator at Disney Studios, San Francisco, CA. Apply for the…

Motion Graphics job opening at Hornet Studios

Motion Designer Required at Hornet Studios to design for special projects including, but not limited to,…

Full-time Animator required at KeokeN Interactive

Full-time Animator required at KeokeN Interactive to work closely with our Lead Animator and the narrative,…

Compositor required at The Third Floor Studio

Job opening at The Third Floor Visualization for After Effects Compositor to compositing complex sequences in…

Full-time job opening for VFX Supervisor

Full-time job opening for VFX Supervisor at Fuse FX studio for leading team of compositors, providing…

Electronic Arts job: Game Designer Intern

Game Designer Intern required at Electronic Arts studio Seoul, South Korea for the Summer Internship program.

Intern 2D Animators required at MINTE studios

Intern 2D Animator required at MINTE studios with Any degree/diploma in Animation/ multimedia/ digital design/ fine…