Gamecan is looking for talented Graphic Design Intern

Gamecan is looking for talented Graphic Design Intern. You must have basic knowledge of Adobe Illustrator…

Technical Animator required at Scattershot

Technical Animator job at Scattershot with 3+ years of working in the games industry & experience…

Production & Project Management Internship at Blizzard

Production & Project Management Internship for student pursuing their bachelors, masters, or PhD and graduating December…

2D Production Intern required at Atomic Cartoons 

2D Production Intern required at Atomic Cartoons. The internships will run for 9 weeks and are…

Galaxy Grove is looking for a 3D Art intern

Galaxy Grove is looking for a 3D Art intern. For this internship, you do need to…

Ubisoft is hiring for Animator Intern

Ubisoft is hiring for Animator Intern. Must have familier with any 3D animation software (Blender/Maya/3dsMax/MotionBuilder, etc.)

Game Design Internship at Activision Blizzard

Game Design Internship for artists who are familiar with 3D level design tools (UnrealEd, Kismet, Maya,…

3D Environment Art Intern job at Secret Door

3D Environment Art Intern job at Secret Door for candidates who have passion for tactical board…

Riot Games hiring for Animation Art Intern

Riot Games hiring for Animation Art Intern with working Knowledge of Maya or similar 3D animation…