Freelance job for Cinema 4D Artists & Photoshop Illustrators

Freelance job for Cinema 4D Artists & Photoshop Illustrators

Studio: Made by Things

Job Opening:

  • Cinema 4D Artists
  • Photoshop Illustrators

Location: Remote

Type: Freelance or Full-Time

Qualifications & Skills:

For Cinema 4D Artists:

  • You must have a good technical understanding of Cinema 4D and work with character rigs. A strong understanding of posing and great-looking keyframes is a must.

For Photoshop Illustrators:

  • You must be able to adapt to a defined style of hand-drawn illustration as a key and be able to make similar creative decisions that match that style. Must be a master of photoshop brushes.

Apply for the Job Online: To apply, send us your portfolio and day rate to