Fallen Planet Studios is hiring Unity Developer/Programmer

Fallen Planet Studios is hiring Unity DeveloperProgrammer

Studio: Fallen Planet Studios

Job Opening: Unity Developer/Programmer (Generalist)

Location: United Kingdom

Type: Full-Time


  • Take a game from wireframe through to release candidate.
  • Collaborate with asset developers to bring projects together.
  • Work independently and as part of a team to deliver on milestones.
  • Take on technical challenges and find solutions to process hurdles.
  • Optimise and test the game to ensure stability.
  • Recommend and implement improvements to existing games/tools.
  • Develop and maintain systems in the engine to provide solutions to the design team.
  • Implement game systems in build and assist in the design and layout of the game.

Qualifications & Skills:

  • Bachelor’s degree in computer science or related field.
  • 2+ years of professional experience in programming or technical design.
  • Good knowledge of C#, with a clear understanding of coding best practices.
  • Knowledge of version control processes; Git, SourceTree, etc.
  • Team development experience.
  • Proactive; able to solve issues effectively.
  • Understanding of animation as part of a game development pipeline.
  • Understanding of UI/UX principles.
  • Experience with scripting.
  • Experience with mobile dev and SDKs (Android & iOS).
  • Experience using common art and 3D software packages (Photoshop, Illustrator, Blender, etc.) is a plus.

animationa nd vfx job