Mobile Games Designer at Aceviral Gaming Studio

Mobile Games Designer at Aceviral Gaming Studio with 2 years of experience in a Game Design…

Bossa Games Studios looking for UI Artist

Bossa Games Studios looking for UI Artist with a strong portfolio which demonstrates a great understanding…

Hangar 13 Games is offering internship jobs

Hangar 13 Games is offering internship for TechArt, Animation, Engineering, Design, VFX, Cinematics, and QA.

Ghost VFX job openings: Compositing and FX Artists

Apply online for latest Ghost VFX job openings. London based studio have vacancy for Compositor and…

Animation Supervisor required at Scanline VFX

Animation Supervisor required at Scanline VFX with Minimum 8 years of visual effects production and leadership…

Level\Environment Artist required at Wargaming Studio

Level\Environment Artist required at Wargaming Studio with experience in the game industry as a Level Artist/Designer…

VFX Generalist required at BUF Paris Studio

VFX Generalist required who understands and has mastered the techniques of each sector (tracking, rotoscopy, modeling,…

3D Animator required at Geometric Interactive

3D Animator required at Geometric Interactive with a strong set of skills aimed at creating animations…

UI/UX Designer required at Wargaming Studio

UI/UX Designer required at Wargaming Studio with experience in interaction systems design and interface design.