Yeti Farm Creative is hiring Animation Supervisor

Hiring Animation Supervisor previous experience in a supervisory role within a TV/Episodic/Streaming production schedule.

CG Animator required at Atomic Cartoons

CG Animator required at Atomic Cartoons to Animate in a team environment on a sequence of shots…

VFX Producer required at ARTJAIL Studio

VFX Producer required at ARTJAIL Studio to manage resources of multiple creative departments, communication with client/agency,…

Compositing Lead required at Arcana Studio

Compositing Lead required at Arcana Studio with 5+ years’ experience compositing on animated feature films or live-action…

Full-time job opening for Lead Environment Artist

Full-time job opening for Lead Environment Artist for organizing, scheduling, and leading the enviro art team…

Job opening for Motion Capture Specialist

Job opening for Motion Capture Specialist who has experience in motion capture and/or technical animation and…

Modelling Lead required at Animal Logic

Modelling Lead required at Animal Logic with 7+ years Modelling experience in feature animation, VFX and/or…

Freelance job for CG Generalist at Alter Ego

Freelance job for CG Generalist at Alter Ego studio with experiences in Houdini, Nuke, VEX, HScript,…

Altagram is hiring a freelance Video Game Tester

Freelancer Video Game Tester required for verifying linguistic, cultural, and contextual accuracy of localized in-game text…