TEKsystems is looking for experienced 3D Artist with experience in Hard Surface Modelling and Animation, Lighting…
Category: Blender
Job opening for talented 3D Character Artist
Job opening for talented 3D Character Artist with at least 2 years of Experience and Proficiency…
Work From Home job for 3D Animator at OP Toons Production
Work From Home job opening for 3D Animator at OP Toons Production. Should have skilled with…
Digitoonz is seeking for 3D Animators
Digitoonz is seeking for 3D Animators for Junior, Mid, and Senior levels. Should be skilled with…
Blender FX / Dynamic Artist required at Creatfx Studio
Blender FX / Dynamic Artist required at Creatfx Studio with 2-3 years of experience. Should be…
Adnet Global is seeking a talented Texturing Lead
Adnet Global is seeking a talented Texturing Lead with minimum 6 years of experience as a…
Zvoid India is offering an Animation internship program
Zvoid India is offering an Animation internship program. Candidates will be given training in traditional animation…
Wonderstand is hiring for multiple job openings
Wonderstand is hiring for multiple job openings of Modelling Artist, Texturing Artist, and Lighting Artist.
Crystal Dynamics is hiring for Animation Intern
Crystal Dynamics is hiring for Animation Intern for college seniors graduating in Spring 2024, enrolled and…