Animation Logic studio: Hiring Houdini FX Artist

Animation logic studio is hiring Houdini character FX Artist to develop or lead the development of…

Senior 3D Artist required at PlaySide Studio

Senior 3D Artist required at PlaySide Studio to provide exceptional visual quality on your projects to…

Job opening for Senior Recruitment Consultant

Job for Senior Recruitment Consultant who is passionate about the digital industry, specifically digital creative skills.

Full-time job opening for Unity Developer

Full-time job opening for Unity Developer with 2+ years’ experience with C# programming with the Unity…

Junior Editor/Motion Graphics job

Junior Editor/Motion Graphics required at Tabcorp to complete video and simple animation assets such as betting…

Junior level Compositor required at Luma Studio

Junior level Compositor required at Luma Studio to composite both digital and live action elements to…

Freelance jobs at Cheeky Little Studio

Freelance jobs at Cheeky Little Studio for the positions of 2D Animators, Rigger, 2D FX Animators.…

Freelance job for Concept Artist/Art Director

Freelance job for Concept Artist/Art Director to work with the Design Lead to help define, establish,…

Job opening for Gaming – Software Developers

Job opening for Gaming - Software Developers. We are looking for passionate and talented Software Developers…