Lead AI Engineer required at Turtle Rock Studios with 7+ years of experience with one or…
Category: AI Artist
Game AI Programmer required at Facepunch Studios
Game AI Programmer required at Facepunch Studios with experience in the Unity game engine and Strong…
Wizards of the Coast looking for passionate AI Engineer
Wizards of the Coast looking for passionate AI Engineer with 2+ years of experience developing AAA…
Multiple job openings at VcreateFX World Pvt. Ltd.
Multiple job openings at VcreateFX World Pvt. Ltd. for the positions of Grooming & Texturing Artist,…
Playground Games is looking for an AI Engineer
Playground Games is looking for an AI Engineer with 3 years of engineering experience, some professional…
Principal AI Engineer required at Lighthouse Games
Principal AI Engineer required at Lighthouse Games with extensive experience developing AI Systems on multiple AAA…
AI Animator required at simage animation
AI Animator required at simage animation for Converting green screen live footage into stable animation with…
Allern Enterprises is hiring AI-based Image and Video Creation
Allern Enterprises is hiring AI-based Image and Video Creation with proven experience as an AI Image…
AI Creator required at 2UP Games Studio
AI Creator required at 2UP Games Studio with a high-quality portfolio showcasing interesting, high-quality content/ systems generated with…