Job opening Sr. 3D Motion Graphics Designer

Job opening Sr. 3D Motion Graphics Designer with strong knowledge of Cinema 4D/3d studio Max, Adobe…

2D/3D Designer job at We Events Conventions

2D/3D Designer required at We Events Conventions. Must be from event industry & have knowledge about…

VFX Supervisor required at MPC studios

VFX Supervisor required at MPC studio with a high-level of commercials-based compositing systems experience and experience…

Spring Onion studio hiring Compositing Artist

Spring Onion studio hiring Compositing Artist with strong knowledge of After Effects or Nuke and good…

3D Design Lead required at Territory Studio

3D Design Lead required at Territory Studio with knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite, Houdini, Arnold, Redshift,…

Senior Technical Animator required at CCP Games

Senior Technical Animator required at CCP Games with sStrong knowledge of 3DS Max/Maya and Photoshop &…

Koch Media is hiring Lead 3D Artist

Koch Media is hiring Lead 3D Artist with work experience as 3D Artist in the entertainment…

Job opening for VFX and 3D Motion Grapher

Job opening for VFX and 3D Motion Grapher with Strong technical skills and proven ability to…

Job openings for 3D/ Senior Animators

Job openings for 3D Animator/ Senior Animators at Gurgaon and Pune locations. Diploma holders in Animation…