Full-time FX Artist required at Milford Studio

Senior FX Artist required at Milford Studios

Studio: Milford

Job Opening: FX Artist

Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Type: Full-Time


  • Our FX department is responsible for the creation of muscle and vegetation setups, hair, fur, cloth, particle, water, rigid and soft-body simulations. We see that you have a high level of understanding when it comes to technical aspects.
  • You will work with Supervisors to determine optimal approaches for different projects. You will also work closely with other departments to ensure an efficient workflow and high-quality output throughout the pipeline.
  • Additional tasks include creating tools and HDA:s & scripts to improve quality and efficiency for the FX department. Creating simple rigs where needed, and other TD-related tasks.

Qualifications & Skills:

  • Excellent knowledge of Houdini
  • Strong knowledge of FX workflows
  • Ability to create and maintain HDA:s & scripts
  • Prior experience in a professional environment
  • Good troubleshooting skills
  • Must be able to work independently as well as a great team player

Apply for the Job Online: To apply, send us your resume to careers@milford.se