Spellbound VFX and Animation is hiring freshers for the following departments Roto, Paint, Tracking, and Rotomation.
Category: 3D Tracking / Matchmoving
Thunder Studios hiring Matchmover/ Paint Artist/ Animators
Thunder Studios hiring for the positions of Matchmove Artists, Matte Paint Artists, and 3D Animators. Must…
Training program for Matchmove/ Rotomation department
Rotomaker training program for Matchmove/Rotomation department. 6 months training program will be there Before joining in…
Full-time job opening at SINGARAJAN VFX Studio
Full-time job opening at SINGARAJAN VFX Studio for the departments of Rotoscope, VFX Cleanup, Matchmove, and…
Walk-In-Drive in Anibrain Studio in Mumbai
Walk-In-Drive in Anibrain Studio in Mumbai for the departments of Paint, Compositing, Lighting, Texturing, Animation, and…
Supernova FX Studio hiring for Roto/ Paint/ Matchmove
Supernova FX Studio hiring for Roto/ Paint/ Matchmove departments. Must have experience of VFX MB rot,…
Grofame Productions hiring for multiple jobs
Grofame Productions hiring for multiple jobs for the positions of Roto Artists, Paint Artists, Matchmove Artists,…
Resonance Digital Studio hiring for 2D/3D positions
Resonance Digital Studio hiring for multiple positions of Compositors, Matchmove Artist, Production Coordinators, and many more.
Frame X VFX Studio hiring for multiple positions
Frame X VFX Studio hiring for multiple positions VFX Comp Artist, Paint Artist, Matchmove Artist, and…