PixStone Images hiring for Matchmove Internship

PixStone Images hiring for Matchmove Internship. Must have basic 3D Equilizer knowledge. The application's last date…

Company3 coming soon to Hyderabad for hiring

Company3 coming soon to Hyderabad for hiring for VFX Artist, VFX Lead, VFX Asst.Supervisor, and Production…

BOTVFX Virtual Walk In -10th and 11th December’22

BOTVFX looking for talented and passionate artists for the positions of Compositors, Paint Artists, Matchmove Artists,…

Multiple job openings at Unifi Media

Multiple job openings at Unifi Media for the positions of Senior Paint Artists, Senior Roto Artists,…

Rotomaker Hyderabad Spot Hiring 2022-23

Rotomaker Hyderabad Spot Hiring 2022-23 for the positions of Mid-Sr Rotomation Artists, Mid-Sr. VFX-Comp Artists, Rotomation…

Spellbound VFX hiring multiple job openings

Spellbound VFX hiring multiple job openings for the positions of Roto, Compositing, Production Managers, Data Wrangler,…

HorsemanFX studio multiple job openings

HorsemanFX studio multiple job openings for the positions of Roto Artist, Prep Artist, Matchmove Artist, Rotomation,…

Red Chillies VFX studio hiring for VFX jobs

Red Chillies VFX studio hiring for VFX jobs for the departments of Animation, FX, Face Mech,…

Rotomaker Spot Hiring 2022 for multiple jobs

Rotomaker Spot Hiring 2022 for multiple positions of VFX Comp Artist, Rotomation, Matchmove Artists, and many…