Job opening at CLOUDZEE Animation Studio

Job opening at CLOUDZEE Animation Studio, Animation & Research Pvt. Ltd. for the positions of Senior…

CG Artists required at Digital Domain Studio

CG Artists required at Digital Domain Studio, Hyderabad, India for Lighters, Textures, Assets, FX, Animation, Reels,…

Need 2D/3D Artists for Mobile Games

Internship program for Stage Game 3D/2D Artist to work in collaboration with the developers to obtain…

Full-time job opening for CG Artists

Full-time job opening for CG Artists. Looking for senior Character Surfacing artists and Lighting & LookDev…

Full-time job locations at philm CGI Studio

Full-time job locations at PhilmCGI Studio for the psots of 2D SFX Artist, AfterEffects Compositing Artist,…

Job opening for Lead 3D Artist / Generalist

Job opening for full-time Lead 3D Artist / Generalist to manage a team of 3D artists…

Full-time job openings at Citrus Ink Studios

Full-time job openings at Citrus Ink Studios. Jobs for the posts of Compositing Artist, Asset Modeler,…

Senior 3D Artist required at Jam City Studio

Senior 3D Artist required at Jam City Studio to work closely with the Art Director and…

Jobs at AGNI Interactive Gaming Solutions

Job at AGNI Interactive Gaming Solutions, Hyderabad, India. Need for the services for 3D Modeling/Texturing, Animation…