Job opening for Asset Artist at Studio Pixomondo

Job opening for Asset Artist at Studio Pixomondo with 3+ years of working experience in Modeling/texturing/shading.

Atomic Arts is hiring for multiple positions

Atomic Arts is hiring for multiple positions like Texturing Artists, FX Artists, and Lighting Artists with…

Full-time Animation Artists required at Cosmos Maya

Full-time Animation Artists required at Cosmos Maya for the positions of Animation, Composition, Concept, FX, Lighting, and more.

Digikore Studio has multiple full-time job opening

Digikore Studio has multiple full-time job openings for the positions of Rigging Artist, Lighting Artist, CG Generalist, and…

Hard Surface Modeler required at Framestore Studio

Hard Surface Modeler required at Framestore Studio with working experience of 4 years and above in…

3D Visualizer required at Design Radiance Studio

3D Visualizer required at Design Radiance with 2 years of work experience and complete knowledge of…

Huge opening in 2D & 3D Departments at Resonance

Huge opening in 2D & 3D Departments at Resonance for Compositors, Paint Artists, Matchmove Artists, Texturing…

Multiple job openings at Paperboat Design Studios

Multiple job openings at Paperboat Design Studios for the positions of Compositor, 3D Generalist, Production Manager,…

Citrus Ink Studios has multiple job openings

Citrus Ink Studios has multiple job openings for the profiles of Compositing Supervisor, 3D Animators, Modeling…